Village Hall
After the war folk got together and talked about a village hall. Could enough money be raised to build it? Then the owner of the Old Malt House offered to sell it if enough money could be raised to buy it. It would cost a £1000. So whist drives and dances, fetes & concerts were organised to raise funds, which went well. Then out of the blue came an offer of £500 from Mr Tom Mayer, and the old Malt house was transformed into the beautiful village hall which is used to this day, enjoyed by all. From the Evesham Journal ,Dec 4th 1920, Unveiling the Memorial Hall Tablet erected in the memory of those members of the parish who perished in the Great War.
Extracts from Mr Eli Ankers recollections
The Memorial Village Hall is owned by the Parish Council on behalf of the Village., and is run by a the board of Trustees and the Mangement Committee .
Recent Projects

We have several regular bookings supporting village activities [ contacts available through this link the "Organisations" page]
Regular Monthly Parish Council Meetings
Short Matt Bowls -twice weekly
Gentlemen's Tuesday Night Club
Art Group
Pilates [currently suspended due to bridge closure]
The Hall also hosts the following:
Christmas carols and switching on of the lights on the Village Christmas Tree
The Seniors Christmas Lunch
Several village quizzes,
The Parish Council Office
Dance Classes
Chroniclers Talks'
Village Meetings
Using and booking the Hall
The Memorial Hall is available for Private Bookings especially Family and Children's Parties or Charity Functions
The Hall can be booked via the Bookings Secretary, Sally-Anne Richards, via
The hire form can be downloaded from this Link
The Hire Rates
1. The Complete Facility -Village Residents £10 for the first hour and £5 per hour thereafter
2. The Complete Facility- Commercial enterprises and non-village bookings £10 per hour
3. Additional use of the use of the cooker or washing machines £10 per hire
4. The Community Room- village meetings Free
5. The Community Room other activities £10 per session
6. Additional use of Projector and Audio equipment £10 per session
Hire of tables, chairs and bottle fridges for offsite use and extended multi day hire on request
Please note the hire of the hall is free , if the hirer uses the services of the Memorial Hall bar
In Memory of Mary Collins
Mary was a long time committee member and supporter of the Memorial Hall we include below one of Mary's many poems
In this re-dedicated Hall
We read the names upon the wall,
The names of those who marched away
On that far off fatefull day:
Sent to meet a foreign foe
And a destiny they could not know.
Many would return no more
From the cruel ravages of war.
Never come home to the high stone tower,
Or hear the clock proclam the hour,
Or see again the ancient yews,
The time worn steps,
The burnished pews,
The whispering poplars where they stand
As guardians of the hallowed land.
They are all remembered in this hall,
Not only when the poppies fall,
But when the summer breezes quiver
Through the willows by the river,
And on the Green the beech tree sways,
Tossed by the wind on autumn days.
When the lights in the cottage windows glow
And low hung grey clouds threaten snow,
And when the bells at easter ring
To greet the miracle of Spring.
Mary Collins