Memorial Village Hall
The War Memorial Village Hall is owned by the village through the Parish Council, it is run by a trust on its behalf and is an amenity available for villagers to use at special rates.
Contact: Chairman: Ian Robinson Tel: 01789773805
Secretary : Susan Mortimer Tel: 01789773453
Bookings : Sal Richards
E Mail :
The Cleeve Prior Community Pub Limited, a Community Benefit Society
The Cleeve Prior Community Pub Limited, a Community Benefit Society registered and approved with the Financial Conduct Authority was set up which has the aim to raise funds primarily through grants and a community share offer to purchase the freehold of the Kings Arms,
Contact: Chairman: Brian Williams email: as below
E Mail :
Website : The Kings Arms, Cleeve Prior | Call to Arms (
Cleeve Prior C of E Primary School, Little Chestnuts Pre-school & PTFA
This our friendly local school where children are encouraged to become confident, caring and articulate and to use their abilities to the full. We provide a calm and happy atmosphere and set high standards of respect, courtesy, hard work and achievement for all children and adults. Our children are hardworking and enthusiastic about their learning but they also value other people’s achievements as well as their own.
Call: 01789 772276
E Mail :
Website : Cleeve Prior C of E Primary School
Cleeve Prior Police Point - Evesham Safer Neighbourhood Team
The police are available in the Tea Shop as per the schedule in the lower roadside window at the Village Hall [subject to no emergency call outs] should villagers have any non urgent issues they may contact the Community Support Officer Bradley Sansom at
See the Police Facebook page
Dates will also be on our events page and advertised on the Facebook page.
Community Organisations based at the Memorial Hall
Yoga Wednesdays 18.30-19.30
Contact : Carly
Tel : 07774950411
Pilates Fridays 9.30-10 15 & 10 30 -11.15 [Currently at Bidford due to the closure of the Bidford Bridge]
Contact : Kim
Tel : 07917626199
E Mail:
Art Group Thursdays 10am-12.30 in the village hall
Contact : Louise Conneeley
Tel : 07765 482722
E Mail :
Short Mat Bowls
Sessions take place in the hall twice a week, Tuesday afternoon & Thursday evening.
Interested parties can contact the Chair to organise an introduction.
Contact: Gordon Davidson
Chairperson: Gordon Davidson
E Mail :
The Cleeve Prior Chroniclers
The Chroniclers are a group of villagers who are interested in documenting the history of the village.
Contact Chairman : Ian Robinson
Tel: 01789 773805
E Mail :
We Site:
The Cleeve Prior Players
The Players are a group of villagers who are interested in performing in the village and tend to do one performance a year.
Contact : via Memorial Hall E Mail
E Mail :
Other Community Organisations in the Village
Cleeve Prior Heritage Trust
The Cleeve Prior Heritage Trust looks after 27 acres (11 ha) of old pasture, traditional orchards, woodland and ponds that have been acquired by the village over the years.
A Charitable Trust started in 1997, it is based in the Grade ll listed Field Barn. Local volunteers meet every Tuesday from 9.30am until 1.00pm. During that time they carry out a wide variety of jobs depending on the time of the year. From time to time they also undertake projects in order to maintain and develop the assets for the village
Contact : E Mail
Website :
Millennium Green Trust
The Trust looks after the Millennium Green acquired and used by the village especilly dog walkers.
Should any one using the meadow identify any issues please notify the trustees.
More information about the Trust
Contact : Trustees
E Mail :
The Church is 12th century in origin, of comfortable size (maximum seating for 120), and is well heated with a resident organist. The tower has a peal of six bells which are rung regularly for Sunday services (usually held on two Sundays each month).
Contact :
Churchwarden Rosemary Roberts 01386 792568
Benefice Safeguarding Officer – Lisa Farmer Tel.01386 40401
For all enquiries concerning Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals contact Faith Quin
Vicar/Priest in Charge: The Rev. Joanna Fielding Tel 01386 339669
Website :
NWR began in 1960 when many women were frequently denied the opportunity to return to work after starting a family. It was recognised that there was a strong need for a break from domestic responsibilities and to connect with other lively-minded women. NWR continues today to celebrate the fostering of friendships and the cultivating of minds, recognising that these are timeless fundamental human needs. The Cleeve Prior Group carries on in this tradition and meets at various times of the month, with members taking turns at hosting meetings. There is a varied programme, including themed discussions, theatre visits, garden outings and invited speakers. We meet in members’ homes, usually from 8 till 10 o’clock.
Contact: Evelyn Wilson
E Mail :
Cleeve Prior Golf Society
The Society was formed over 25 years ago and has a current membership of twenty five. The purpose is to provide several meetings at different locations during the summer months for golfers residing in the proximity of the village and of varying skills to enjoy organised competitions. Normally the events are arranged for Friday afternoons followed by dinner to also include partners to enhance the social aspects.
Anyone interested in joining, particularly ladies, should contact the Secretary.
Hon Secretary : Peter Wilson
E Mail :
Cleeve Prior Ramblers
Cleeve Prior has an active Ramblers Group that meets once a month to undertake a sociable walk of interest that is typically located within 30 minutes’ drive of Cleeve Prior. Ordinarily, we meet at 9.30am, year-round on the Village green on the third Saturday of each month. The walks are chosen by members of the Group on a rotating, voluntary basis. The member responsible will research the walk for viability and usually arrange a pub lunch for the end of the walk. All are welcome to join. A small membership fee is levied to pay for our monthly reports in the Village Newsletter
Contact : Peter Wilson
E Mail :